
Produce Professional Drum Beats Every Time

produce professional drum beats every time

Artwork for Pro House Drums

Big Z's Pro House Drums

300+ modern drum samples & loops, paired with a drum arrangement and mixing course. This is the all-in-one solution to producing professional drum beats.

Big Z's Pro House Drums


Bonus 1: Arrangement & mixing course



Bonus 2: Drum mixing reference pack



100% Money-Back Guarantee

$97 $39

Artwork for Pro House Drums
300+ drum samples and loops 100% money-back guarantee bonus 1 bonus 2

listen to the pack in action

100% of the drums in this demo are from the Pro House Drums pack.

300+ Samples & Loops

30 Kicks

30 Claps

35 Hats & Cymbals

40 Percussion Hits

15 Rimshots

20 Shakers

30 Snares

20 Fills

20 Impacts

10 Bongo Loops

20 Build Snare Loops

10 Groove Loops

10 Shaker Loops

10 Tribal Percussion Loops

5 Tambourine Loops

10 Tribal Percussion Loops

Full Drum Arrangement & Mixing Course

let me walk you through the pack

100% royalty-free samples 100% of the samples handcrafted by Big Z